Sunday 5 June 2016

Practice MEAN, MEDIAN & MODE :)

Here are two practice questions for you guys. Easy and simple one to understand :)

The weekly salaries of six employees at Jolibee are $160, $280, $100, $170, $150, $250.  For these six salaries, find:

(a) the mean 
(b) the median 
(c) the mode

List the data in order: 100, 150, 150, 180, 250, 280
Mean:    100
+ 150+ 150+ 180 + 250 + 280 =185 (ans)

Median:    90,150,150,180,250,280
The two numbers that fall in the middle need to be
averaged.     150 + 180 (Answer divided by 2) = 165 (ans)

Mode:   The number that appears t
he most is = 150 (ans)

2. Adrian has grades of 84, 65, and 76 on three math tests.  What grade must he obtain on the next test to have an average of exactly 80 for the four tests?

84 + 65 + 76+ x   =   80 (average) cross multiply 
                   4                                         and solve

                        (4)(80) = 225 + x
                         320 = 225 + x
                           -225   -225

                               95 = x 

               Adrian needs a 95 on his next test.

** Try not to memorize the formulas. It is better for you to understand the step by step process in order to find the correct answer.

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